TheIRES | Rules and Regulations

TheIRES | Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations (Read Carefully before registration)

A - For paper Submission and Publication in TheIRES Conferences:

A1- All Papers should be the Original one and it should not be published in any manner before and after the conference. 
A2- All Authors and Co-authors must inform their respective Dept. Head/Principal/Guide about the paper submission of papers in to TheIRES Conferences. 
A3- All Authors and Co-authors should write the correct affiliation inside the paper. 
A4- The Organizing Committee may not accept the papers submitted after the last date of registration. 
A5- TheIRES accepts each paper for conference after doing the review by two internal or external TheIRES Reviewers. 
A6- TheIRES may publish author's or co-author's emails online. 
A7- TheIRES can’t add, modify or delete any author’s or co-author’s name inside the paper after the registration of the paper without the permission of all authors and co-authors present inside the paper. 
A8- TheIRES never publishes any unregistered paper. 
A9- TheIRES is not responsible for identifying the Original author or co-author of the paper. The person who submits the paper will be taken as the original author of paper. 
A10- In any case if TheIRES receives the complain about the originality of the author and it found to be true the paper will be suspended from the publication immediately. 
A11- TheIRES can’t republish or distribute any suspended paper from the date of suspension.

B - Attending TheIRES International Conferences:

B1- All participants should register before coming to the conference by paying the specified amount mentioned at the registration menu. 
B2- All participants should follow the official Conference page only regularly for getting the latest information about the event. 
B3- The Organizer has all the rights to change the venue and date at any time before the conference at any time. If the organizing Committee decides to change the venue and Date of Event, all delegates will get the information via their registered email ID.
B4- The participants should not involve any kind of violence inside and outside of the venue at any time before and after the event. 
B5- The participants should bring their original ID card while attending the Conference otherwise you can’t attend the conference. 
B6- Due to a shortage of Conference KIT TheIRES may not give you the participant KIT at the time of Conference; in such cases, TheIRES will provide you the Conference KIT via Speed Post after the Conference. 
B7- Any participant reaching after the reporting time at the venue will not be allowed to participate in the conference and no money will be refunded. 
B8-TheIRES will be not responsible for any kind of financial loss due to any ticket cancellation or any bookings of the registered participants if the conference gets cancel or re-scheduled to other place or date at any time. 
B9- If at any time the author does not want to attain the conference and cancel the registration then no money will be refunded. 
B10-TheIRES has all rights reserved, not to refund any money to registered author or co-author who attended the conference and accepts the publication and certificate during or after the conference at any time. 

C - Publication in International Journals:

C1- TheIRES has all the rights to select the papers from the conference to publish in the International Journals.
C2- Publication in Scopus Indexed/SCI Indexed or any associated Journal: TheIRES can submit the paper to any non-TheIRES International Journals indexed in Scopus or SCI on the written request by the author. In such case, the author will have to bear the entire publication cost (according to the particular journal).  It may take 3 to 12 months for the review and publication process. 
C3- Payment made for the purpose of attending the TheIRES conferences will not be refunded if the registered paper is not selected for any Scopus or SCI Indexed journal or if the author doesn’t want to publish in any TheIRES associated International Journal after the conference. 
C4- TheIRES may accept the paper from its conferences or it’s associated conference for publishing in the TheIRES associated International Journal after extending the paper at least 20%, from the authors. 
C5- TheIRES takes a minimum of 80 to 90 days to complete the Round-2 review process for the TheIRES associated International Journals after the conference.
C6 -All TheIRES associated International Journals are approved by the ISSN.
C7- Authors’ need to pay the Journal hard copy charges while getting the Journal hard copy.
C8-The Editorial board has all the rights to reject any paper to publish in International Journal after 2nd round of Review (After Conference/seminar). If the paper gets rejected then no registration fee will be refunded paid for conference registration fees.

D - Plagiarism policy:

The plagiarism policy ensures authors give due credit to other authors while referencing and it protects academic integrity of the research community.  
D1. All research papers submitted for publication are checked with plagiarism detection software to verify its originality and find similarity percent of research paper. And the papers failing to satisfy mentioned criteria are sent back to author for modification. 
D2. If plagiarism is detected in research paper just before publication, the author will be given a chance to resubmit the paper after necessary modification as suggested by editor. However, if the editor decides plagiarism is a major issue in the research paper, it will not be considered further for publication.  
D3. If plagiarism/fake identity  is suspected or detected in research paper after its publication, the research paper will be removed from website till completion of verification . In case few paragraphs are plagiarized the author will be given a chance to modify the published paper and the research paper will be restored in website after editor’s approval.  
D4 .However, if TheIRES decides plagiarism/fake identity is a major issue in a published paper and it seriously violates the copyright of others then the paper will remain removed from publication and author will be penalized and will be Blacklisted from TheIRES and other Conference Organizers for a lifetime. Also it will be mentioned in journal website about the removal from publication as well as indexing services will be notified about the removal. 
D5. Authors republishing their earlier published work (self-plagiarism) will also be dealt in the same procedure as mentioned above. 

E - Declaration :

E1- TheIRES is registered under “Peoples Empowerment Trust” under Section-25 , Companies Act, 1956. 
E2- TheIRES is an Independent nonprofit body whose sole aim to promote the Scientific and Academic Research Activities across the globe. 
E3-TheIRES is not affiliated to any university. 
E4- The Editorial Board members are not the Employees of TheIRES. 
E6- All disputes subject to Bhubaneswar Jurisdiction only. 
E5- TheIRES has all the rights to cancel the Registration at any time and withdraw the Publication if any participants/Delegates violates the rules and regulations of TheIRES and will take necessary action immediately. 
E6- TheIRES has all the rights reserved to publish / withdraw / modify the paper from conference proceedings or journals at any time. 

*All Rights Reserved by TheIRES

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